
Saturday, July 19, 2014

My name is Kristy and I teach 2nd grade in Lynchburg, VA.  My principal told me about 4 years ago that she could see me being one of the teachers that have a blog and I just brushed that comment off.  Well 4 years later, I guess I have proved her right.  I have been teaching 2nd grade for 5 years and I love it.  This past year was interesting because I had back surgery and began the school year using a walker.  My experience this year made me realize that I take a lot for granted and I want to be able to share my ideas with teachers that are new to the profession and get ideas from other teachers who have more experience than me. 

I enjoy doing things on the computer and with technology.  The other 2nd grade teachers in my unit encouraged me to put my things up on Teachers Pay teachers--tests and other activities that I have made for our unit.  our unit works very well together and we all have our unique talents and strong suits.  My strong suit is using technology and making tests, worksheets, activities, posters, ect.  I bit the bullet so to speak and began my Teachers Pay Teachers account this week and thought I could go all the way and make a blog to go along with it and to share ideas through this avenue. 

I hope you enjoy my blog and the ideas I present.  If you have helpful blog tips, please share, I am not used to having a blog and sharing my ideas in this venue!!! :)

Check out my TPT store:

This is a picture of my nephew, Liam, and I at Christmas this past year!

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